CIC Goes Paperless

Ottawa, November 25, 2011 — Citizenship and Immigration Canada will make the application process easier while saving $4.2 million over the next three years, by moving more of its business online, Minister Jason Kenney announced today.

This change will simplify the application process and make it more accessible to applicants. On line services allow people to apply whenever and wherever they want, with online tools to help navigate the immigration process and fill out forms. As part of the move to online services, beginning December 1, 2011, CIC website.

Service for people with special needs will continue. Braille and large format text forms will still be available.

This will save Canadian taxpayers $4.2 million over three years.

This will also enable CIC to free up resources in some parts of the organization and put them to better use elsewhere while still maintaining a high degree of service.

In constantly trying to find ways to do business better and with less cost, CIC is fulfilling its responsibility of properly managing taxpayers’ dollars.

To view a full list of Application forms and guides.

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For further information (media only), please contact:

Candice Malcolm
Minister’s Office
Citizenship and Immigration Canada

CIC Media Relations
Communications Branch
Citizenship and Immigration Canada

Building a stronger Canada: Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC) strengthens Canada’s economic, social and cultural prosperity, helping ensure Canadian safety and security while managing one of the largest and most generous immigration programs in the world.

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