Minister Kenney issues statement on Mahmoud Mohammad Issa Mohammad

“Mr. Mohammad entered Canada in 1987 and was first found to be inadmissible to Canada on the basis of misrepresentation and subsequently found to be ineligible to make a refugee claim because he had been a member of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, and had participated in a terrorist attack on an Israeli plane, which killed an Israeli citizen in 1968.

“Mr. Mohammad was convicted of that crime in Greece, but was freed before completing his sentence as part of the resolution of another hostage taking. He then misrepresented himself to enter Canada, where he remained until his removal over the weekend.

“This convicted terrorist was able to use numerous and repetitive appeals and loopholes under Canada’s old, broken immigration system to remain in Canada for 25 years. Fortunately, since 2006, the Government has acted to strengthen the integrity of Canada’s immigration system. The introduction of biometrics, reforms to Canada’s asylum system, and the Faster Removal of Foreign Criminals Act, among many other measures, all help to avoid another convicted terrorist like Mr. Mohammad being able to remain in Canada for so long.

“Canada’s immigration and refugee determination system is one of the most generous in the world. However, its integrity can only be maintained by ensuring that individuals like Mr. Mohammad, whose heinous crimes and misrepresentations mean they are not legally admissible to Canada, are identified and removed.”

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