Canadian student wins international poster competition on Holocaust remembrance

Toronto, September 22, 2013 — Canadian students finished in first and second place in an international poster competition to commemorate the Holocaust, Minister of State for Multiculturalism Tim Uppal announced today on behalf of Jason Kenney, Minister for Multiculturalism.

The poster created by Caitlin McGinn, a student at Emily Carr University of Art and Design, was selected as the overall winner in the competition. The winning design depicts a series of superimposed concentration camp documents. The poster illustrates how the documentation from concentration camps provides tiny glimpses into the lives of individuals who may no longer have a voice to tell their own story.

Carling Hind, a fellow Canadian and Emily Carr student, was the second place finisher. As top three finishers, the two Canadian artists will be awarded cash prizes of up to €500. 

Two other Canadian students, Derek Michael Wasylyshen from the University of Manitoba and Joakim Sundal from Emily Carr University, were also selected as top 16 international finalists.

Our government is committed to Holocaust education and remembrance as well as to ensuring that Canadians, especially youth and future generations, examine actions of the past to help inform their decisions in the future,” said Minister Uppal. “Canadians can take pride in the achievements of these young and talented students and of our country’s strong showing in this important international competition.

The international poster competition is a joint initiative of the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA), which Canada is chairing this year, and Yad Vashem in Israel. Minister Uppal made today’s announcement at the Canadian Society for Yad Vashem Holocaust Memorial Site and Wall of Remembrance at Earl Bales Park in Toronto.

The poster competition was launched to support Holocaust education and commemoration,” said Dr. Mario Silva, the IHRA’s Canadian Chair. “I’m pleased that Canadian students from several universities and colleges participated to help mark Canada’s chairmanship of the IHRA and very pleased with the results. A big congratulations to Ms. McGinn on her winning the poster design.

The original designs of seven Canadian post-secondary students in Art and Design programs across Canada were selected to advance to the final international judging round, where they were judged against entries from the United Kingdom, the Czech Republic, Israel and others. In total, nearly 500 students around the world participated in the competition. 

The posters were evaluated based on the originality of the design and how they express the message of this year’s theme, which is “Keeping the Memory Alive – Journeys through the Holocaust.”

Beginning on January 27, 2014, to mark International Holocaust Remembrance Day, the top 16 designs will be exhibited at over 90 locations around the world, including prominent locations such as the headquarters of the United Nations in New York, Geneva, Vienna and the European Commission in Brussels. They will also be made available as an educational resource.

On March 5, 2013, Canada assumed the chairmanship of the IHRA, an intergovernmental body composed of government officials and experts from 31 countries. It is committed to promoting Holocaust education, remembrance and research around the world. Dr. Silva will chair the IHRA for Canada until March 2014.

Learn more about Canada’s initiatives on Holocaust education, remembrance and research.

View the posters of the seven Canadian finalists.

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